Saturday, October 9, 2021


Hello again! Today I am gonna tell you about my hobbies. I have three different types of hobbies. All three of the hobby have different benefits. 


As if life wasn’t already puzzling enough!

Board games are the most common brain stimulator among adults. You don’t even have to buy the physical sets to enjoy this pastime activity. You can find crossword and Sudoku puzzles in your daily newspaper, or download digital, free versions on your phones and gadgets.

Games like chess, Battleship, and Monopoly boost your strategy-making skills and bring out the child in you. You can also choose from word games like Scrabble.

Although it’s more of a party game than a strategic one, there’s also the trending Cards Against Humanity for more mature audiences, where whoever has the most horrible, silly, or bizarre thought combination wins.

Playing board games is one method of instilling the value of fairness to kids at a young age.  You may not realize it, but kids can be pretty good teachers too, not just opponents. Board games double as family bonding time and it’s one of the top creative hobbies for all ages.


Many people wonder whether jump roping can be considered a hobby, as not everyone believes exercise can fall under the same category as niche pastimes like collecting or board games.

Believe it or not, the inverse is actually true: Jump roping is definitely a hobby as it has all the characteristics of one which is to perform an activity for pleasure, but at the same time, it’s also an incredibly easy way to get in shape without having to go to your local gym or pay for expensive memberships.

It’s also worth mentioning that jump roping is a relatively inexpensive hobby compared to some other pastimes which makes it perfect for anyone wanting to get fit on a budget all while having heaps of fun.

There are numerous better than recycling — reducing the use of natural resources, boosting the economy and saving energy, to name just a few — but sometimes it lacks an immediate personal benefit. If you want to profit from your good deed with more than just karma, check out these five ways to turn your trash into cash.

  • Aluminum
  • Cardboard
  • Junk Mail
  • Receipts
  • Electronics

MY HOBBY Hello again! Today I am gonna tell you about my hobbies. I have three different types of hobbies. All three of the hobby have diffe...